2 Create a new Money Smith file. 3 Open an existing Money Smith file. 4 Save this file. 5 Save this file as another name. 6 Print this report. 7 Close the active window. 8 Exit this window. 10 Cut selected line to clipboard. 11 Copy selected line to clipboard. 12 Paste line from clipboard. 14 View the account list. 15 View the transaction list. 16 Change the current accounting period. 18 Add a new account or transaction. 19 Set startup, display, and international preferences. 20 Edit current account or transaction. 22 Tile active windows in workspace. 23 Cascade active windows in workspace. 24 Arrange icons at bottom of workspace. 25 Close all active windows. 27 Display help index. 28 Display keyboard help. 29 Display command help. 30 Open, Save, and Close Money Smith files. 31 Cut, Paste, Copy and Add transactions and accounts. 32 View accounts, transactions, registers. Set current accounting period. 33 Money Smith options and preferences. 34 Financial reports on income, accounts and balances. 35 Display graphs on income, expenses and assets. 36 Money Smith advanced tools and utilities. 37 Manipulate windows and icons in the workspace. 38 Money Smith Help. 39 Graph of current asset composition. 40 Graph of current income. 41 Add a new account. 44 Add a new transaction. 47 Graph of expenses. 48 Ready - F1 for Help. 49 Make this window active. 51 Display a balance statement in a report window. 52 Display an income statement in a report window. 53 Reconcile current account in a report window. 54 Toggle the toolbar on and off. 55 Toggle the status bar on and off. 56 View the register for the current account. 57 Toggle grid lines for accounts on and off. 58 Set or change password for this account. 59 Define printer and settings. 60 Add, Edit, and Delete recurring transactions. 61 Edit investment accounts. 62 Display budget vs actual expenses. 63 Graph current liabilities. 64 Graph current equity. 65 Define account categories. 66 Roll all transactions for period into account balances. 67 Report of accounts listed by category. 68 Summary of taxable and non-taxable accounts. 69 Report on investment records for current account. 70 Graph balances of a single category. 71 X 72 X 73 X 76 Delete File. 77 Next Window. 78 Explain Licensing Terms. 79 Learn the basics of Money Smith fast! 80 Graph Investments. 81 Graph history of investment price. 82 Graph history of investment value. 83 Graph history of investment return. 84 Resize this window. 85 Move this window. 86 Restore this window to previous size. 87 Maximize the size of this window. 88 Make this window an icon. 89 Switch to another task in the Windows task list. 90 Vertical scroll. 91 Set the title text for reports and graphs. 92 Start Help Arrow. 93 Escape Help. 94 Print a check. 95 Mark/Unmark transaction. 99 Open this file. 100 Display graph in dollar format. 101 Display graph in percent format. 102 Transaction Dialog. 103 Investment Dialog. 104 Account entry Dialog. 105 Money Smith Financial Calculator. 106 Money Smith Information Center. 107 Tell about Money Smith. 108 Customize the Toolbar. 109 Set up categories for the business summary report. 110 Business Summary Report. 111 Display pie graph of all categories of a particular type. 112 Display history for assets, liabilities, equity, income, and expenses over time. 113 Display balance history for a single account. 114 Display balance history for a single category. 115 Copy the current report to the clipboard. 117 Report on cash inflows/outflows for each account. 118 Balance report by showing category balances. 119 Income statement showing category balances. 120 Import multiple transactions from clipboard. 121 Find a transaction or account. 122 Display cash flow report for current account. 123 You must fill the '%s account' field! 124 Recurring transaction name '%s' is duplicated! 125 Cannot open file '%s'! 126 Error reading file '%s'! 127 Cannot create file '%s'! 128 Error writing file '%s'! 129 Share price cannot be zero! 130 Remove all investment information from '%s'? 131 Automatic transaction cancelled - you must save this account first! 132 Save '%s' before closing? 133 Too many child Reports/Graphs to track! 134 Can't open printer device! 135 Error printing '%s'! 136 %s password is incorrect! 137 New passwords to not match! 138 No space for additional recurring transactions! 143 Too many accounts - can't add another! 144 '%s' is not an investment account! 145 No positive balances to graph! 146 Pending Recurring Transactions. Run them now? 147 Not enough memory to complete operation! 148 Printer paper size must be 8-1/2" wide and 3-1/2" high Landscape Mode to print checks. Reset it now? 149 Remove Recurring Transactions from backup? This stops recurring transactions from popping up in your backup. 150 This file is Money Smith version %s - it may not be compatible! 160 No accounts are defined! 161 Duplicate account name! 162 Can't delete account with active transactions! 163 Delete '%s' - Are You Sure? 164 Duplicate account name - can't paste! 165 Can't paste - clipboard doesn't contain an account! 166 No active transactions! 167 Can't paste - clipboard does not contain a transaction! 168 Too many categories - can't add another! 169 Category already exists! 170 Can't delete - you still have accounts in this category! 171 Category '%s' is undefined - Add it? 172 End date must be after start date! 173 '%s' is an invalid month! Valid months are [1-12]! 174 '%s' is an invalid day! 175 '%s' is an invalid year! Valid years are [00-99] 176 Current closeout date is '%s' - Do you want to change it? 177 Save '%s' as another name before processing? 178 Last chance - Are you sure you want to continue? 179 Delete investment history records before this date as well? 180 Make '%s' an investment account? 181 No Categories Defined! 182 Overwrite existing file '%s'? 183 You have a window open on this account or investment - Can't delete it! 184 Can't locate Financial Calculator file 'mscalc.exe' - please re-install this file! 185 %s accounts are the same - can't create transactions from and to the same account! 186 End of year processing for %s done! 187 Account %s does not exist - Add it? 188 Still cannot find account '%s' - Retype it! 189 Imported transactions should have between 6 and 8 fields - see Help file for format! 190 No transactions on clipboard to import! 191 Transaction %d has an error in it - continue? 192 '%s' is not a valid date! 193 '%s' not found! 194 Creating backup file... 195 Transaction found for deleted account - assigning transaction to account named "Unknown"! 196 Show helpful tips. 197 Select Screen Font. 200 Welcome to Money Smith! First you should create a new account or open one of our samples. 201 You can easily add accounts by pressing the Add Accts button on the toolbar. 202 Smart Numbers! You can enter expressions like 10*3 into any numerical field for an instant result. 203 Accounting dates define which transactions you see - change them by clicking on any date - or use the Dates command. 204 You can alter the width of any column on any report by dragging the line between columns with your mouse. 205 Hot tip! To speed transaction entry, type the first few letters of the account you want - then press the down arrow. This brings your account to the top of the list and selects it. 206 Quick Help - Press the '?' icon on the toolbar and then select the item or command you want help with. 207 Popup Menus - press the right mouse button over any report or graph to get a quick menu of current choices. 208 Memorize Frequent Transactions - Memorize any transaction by pressing the Recur button from the transaction dialog. Set the frequency to NONE. 209 Using Memorized Transactions - Press the MEM button from the transaction dialog, and select any memorized transaction from the list. 210 Accounts on the Fly - You can create new accounts while adding transactions by simply entering the name of the new account in the transaction dialog. 211 New Categories - You can create new categories for accounts while editing accounts - simply enter the name into the category field while adding accounts. 212 Graphs - You can graph assets, liabilities, etc... from the main account view by pressing the appropriate title (i.e. Assets) bar. 213 Keys - The keyboard can also be used to navigate any report - up, down, page up and page down keys can be used to navigate. Press enter to edit a selected item. 214 Save Shortcut - Press the disk on the toolbar or F3 key to save the current Money Smith file. 215 Calculator Modes - Our calculator supports both standard and reverse polish (postfix) arithmatic. Use the options command from within the calculator to change modes. 216 Quick Exit - Press Alt-F4 to quickly exit Money Smith. 217 Support Tip - Electronic mail is the fastest way to get a response - please email your problems to us. 218 Exporting Reports - You can export any report to a spreadsheet or word processor - use the Edit Copy Report command to copy any report to the clipboard, then paste it into your spreadsheet or word processor. 219 Help Keys - Press F1 for help from anywhere - or press Shift+F1 for press and point help. 220 Interactive Windows! - Most grey areas on reports and graphs are links to related Money Smith commands - press to try them out. 221 Accounting Tip - Organizing your accounts into tax-based categories will really help you on the next tax season - print a category report for account summaries by category. 222 International - You can customize international options and even create foreign language reports using the Preferences command. 223 Investment Tracking - Make any account an investment using the Rainbow (investment) icon. Look at investments using the Graph and Report menus. 224 Split Transactions - You can split any transaction using the SPLIT button from the transaction dialog. 225 Money Smith on the Internet - Check out our site at http://www.nmia.com/~monsmith for the latest news and newest versions!